Every now and then, for some reason, my life becomes extremely busy for a season with whatever it is that is going on and I have to do for a while... I'm pretty sure this is normal. At least it is in my life. And sometimes, if my attitude is right, it can be really fun... The only downfall of that is that I neglect things like blogging and getting ready for our upcoming graduation and summer company, and the recycling that is piling up in the garage. Although the recycling really isn't my responsibility, it belongs to another member of my family, who at this point shall be unnamed, it still ends up being one of those things that I do ... mostly because I apparently "see" things that nobody else in my family sees...like the sock that has been lying by the stair for over a week now, and other odd sorts that are apparently invisible to the naked eye only to be seen by supermom. Ah, but I digress... Ahem! The recycling in the garage, as I said, has been piling up, oh...