Two things...

Okay, I am not posting a long entry today because I only have two things to say...

1. Did you know that the median age of the people in the US, according to the United States Census, is 36.4? Not that I noticed I have ANOTHER birthday coming up and I am ALREADY above that....


2. If you have never posted a comment on my blog, PLEASE READ the iPod entry and COMMENT. I'm desperate here....


Anonymous said…
I have posted, but I'll cheat here since I had a brainstorm. do they still sell those toy guns that shoot ping pong balls? You could have a predrawing the old fashioned boring way, and then publish the results by shooting the ping pong ball with the winning number or multiple balls with the numbers if you have more than one item to give away-whoever catches the ball gets to shout the winning
Anonymous said…
oh yeah, i figure those of us that have been around serve an important job of balancing out the average of all those new little babies!!

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