Original - It's a Love Thing

This past weekend, I went with a group of friends and family to the Original Women's Conference .    This year's theme was "It's a Love Thing".  This conference was created three years ago by the Rockford Master's Commission, a group of amazing students that my daughter is blessed beyond belief to be a part of.

Last year, I attended with two friends and our kids - a total of 6 of us after we met one friend there.  This year, we took two cars with 8 of us, and met 4 more there.  Last year, the attendance of the conference, it's second year, was around 200.  This year, the third annual conference, sported over 500 women of all ages from all over the country (I heard someone say they were from New York) flocking to hear all about God's amazing love for us.

Worship provided by Kari Jobe was awesome to say the least.  Although she is an artist I had never heard of before, she delivered some great worship leadership.  I have been humming some of the songs every day since we returned.

Original does a - hm... well... an original job at delivering the woman conference experience.  Not just the best women conference I've ever attended... close to being the best conference I've ever attended.  They fully understand the challenges and joys of being a woman... the things we like (plenty of free stuff and giveaways) the things we have passion about (globally as well as locally) and the hard stuff of life overall.

This year, I was extraordinarily touched by the global outreach to Pearl Alliance.  This organization, begun by Lisa Bevere has begun a worldwide effort to help the women and children who are exploited and already enslaved with the progression of human trafficking.  Please take a minute to view the video on the Pearl Alliance website linked above.

I am still chewing on many of the speakers and workshop presenters.  God knew what was going on in my life in such a personal way that He used these women to speak to me in ways that are far too personal to share here.  (yes, there are some things in life too personal for even a blog that nobody reads).

Next year, the conference is again in April - I encourage you to mark your calendar if you can.  Fly, drive, walk there if you have to.  Do not miss it.  I'll be there - and we can hit Starbucks together.


ann said…
Fun!! I really like Kari Jobe. I love Revelation Song. Did she sing it for you? And that is so cool to see how attendance more than doubled from last year! I will keep this conference in mind for 2010. Right now when I click the link it says information coming soon. I wasn't sure where the conference is located. Is it in Iowa?
Anonymous said…
It sounds wonderful. I'm so glad that God met you in your personal place. He's like, you know. And He loves you immensely as do I. Maybe next year.....
Anonymous said…
I meant to say, "He's like that, you know." Whoops.
Heth said…
It sounds amazing Tina. I have only heard good things about this conference. It sounds like the girls loved it too.
Angela said…
I wish I could have gone. Maybe next time.

There are things too personal for this blog? But not to personal for Pablo's, right? :-)
Amie said…
Sounds awesome! Where's the pictures???
Anonymous said…
Hey Tina. Keep me posted on where and when. It was be awesome to meet up there next year. Love ya! Val

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