My first post of 2010

My first post of 2010 should really be inspirational.
But, for some reason, I think it might be...uh...kind of dumb.

It seems so strange to actually be writing "2010". I knew I'd make it here. And actually, I remember when I was 17... I had to do a book report for an English class in high school. I picked out a book from the library and I just couldn't get into it.

So, I remember wandering around the school library... I can still see it the way it was that day... and I decided to read a book that is SO not me. It was only a few years old at the time... written just two years earlier or so... 2010 A Space Odyssey. I think that year, it was even made into a movie.

I'm not sure what came over me... why I wanted to read that book. I think maybe I was intrigued by what 2010 would look like... would it really be a space odyssey? Would we have flying cars like the Jetsons? Would I live in an ultra-modern round home?

And oh... what I would give to read that book report today. What was going through my mind in the 1980's about today.... 25 years into the future.


Heth said…
The Blackberry alone would have blown your 1980's mind.
Natalie Joy said…
There was no way anyone could have predicted what this year would have looked like. It would be interesting to see how the book would have described the year 2010.

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