Stuff Christians Like

I just got Jonathan Acuff’s book “Stuff Christians Like” this week, and I’ve been thumbing through it.  So much in there that cracks. me. up.

We are weird Christians, for sure.  The book is hysterical.  And at the same time, very thought provoking.  I found myself thinking…yeah…why the HECK DO WE do these crazy things???

This one is one of my personal favorites: “THROWING THE DEVIL UNDER THE BUS FOR EVERYTHING”.  This is hilarious. 

Acuff says in his book “For instance, if your band at church sucks one Sunday morning, it might be really easy to say ‘The enemy sure was attacking service today. None of the songs worked well, and our timing was completely off. What a mess. Satan was sure pressing in on all sides.”

He says he agrees.  That is one way to look at it.  Then Acuff says “Another way to look at it is that you guys didn’t practice.”

Recently, I read an email from someone who had some pretty disappointing things going on in their life.  They were “under attack”.  I didn’t know how to tactfully reply that maybe…just maybe… it wasn’t the devil.  Maybe…just maybe… it was a demise by someone even more detrimental to their well being sometimes than the devil…. them.

Personal responsibility is a big deal to me.  We Christians blame the devil for every bad thing in our lives…and seem to ignore the responsibilities that we have neglected to care for, or follow through with, or complete.  Life is hard work.  We sometimes have to work really really hard at it.  And when we don’t, it shows.  It shows in our work, our home, our personal disciplines, our children, our health, our relationships, and our spirituality. 

I’m guilty.  I admit it. I raise my hand for that one.  I own it.  What about you?


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