sixty nine degrees!

I can't say I have ever been this excited about SPRING!

It hasn't been an excruciating long winter, it hasn't been horrible and bad and all that, it hasn't been really bad at all...

But for some reason, this spring comes at a time when I am so in need of refreshing.

It's 69 degrees today... and I am overly thrilled that Em can ride her bike in the driveway and the girls are walking home from school.

We haven't planted grass yet in this yard, and so it's MUDDY... but it's beautiful MUD! :)

have a blessed day!


Sarah said…
We're getting rain and it's fabulous!
Amy Flege said…
its 74 here. the kids are camping out tonite at neighbors... can you believe it?
melanie said…
yah!!!! it's awesome!! we went biking and to kids kingdom, which was really interesting half covered in snow still!! ah, summers a coming!!
I never thought I would think that 69 degrees was so wonderful. After all for almost forty years that was a normal average temp. year round, but yesterday you would have thought I had never experienced such a day. I took two walks and sat outside for over an hour watching my kiddos play.
Diane Viere said…
Enjoy! I so understand...that even though the Minnesota winter was mild.....I am more than ready for Spring! Four seasons are lovely--but why can't winter be just a little shorter!


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