Jitzu's New Adventure

We only waited for about a week to recieve the letter. And it came.

Dear Lindsey,

We didn't need to read any more really. That said it all.

She applied in January. Well, I take that back. She began the application process in January. But, then she wasn't sure that it was the right thing for her. She wasn't completely sure that she was supposed to go. So, she set it aside and waited. I'm proud of her for that. Waiting is sometimes a hard thing to do.

Psalms 25:1-5 To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day.

...You have been accepted to ....

accepted: v. to admit to a group, organization, or place.

She only had two more steps to complete the application. She had to write a 200 word testimony and pay a $30 registration fee. She went to camp this summer and when she came back from camp, we were in the kitchen talking and she casually said "when someone says write a testimony what do they usually mean?". I explained, and she agreed then I said "why do you ask?" ...

Her testimony was 400 words and then she finally just stopped. She had sent it in that morning along with her fee. She wanted to do it on her own. The waiting was over, and she had made a decision.

...let me be the first to congratulate you...

Why do they get to be first?? The letter should have read "run to your parents and let them congratulate you! They are your cheerleaders and have been cheering you on for 18 years! " But, they were first. Shawn was second. He told her (in his best Pedro style) that he would build her a cake or somethin to celebrate. Here is the cake. He did it all on his own. Decorated and all. I'm pretty sure it's the only cake he's ever decorated in his life. And when you cut the cake open, he even put food coloring in the batter to give it a purple color. Her favorite color is blue, but we didn't have any blue food coloring, so purple is the next best thing I guess! oh, and yes, it's a heart-shape.

... will surely be the best 9 months of your life!

I have no doubt about that part. God is in it. I know He is. 9 months of discipleship training. Disciples - more than students, more than just believers. They are individuals who are determined to become people who live life as Jesus did. A full life. A life that is deep and rich and rewarding. A 5000 seat santuary, a 1500 seat auditorium, an 800 seat amphitheater, a private Christian K-12 school, a daycare center, offices, are just part of the things that make up the campus she will live on for the next 9 months. It's not your average university by any means, but I have a feeling it will become home to her in a lot of ways.

...send in your $300 deposit, and choose your payment plan...

Swallow hard now. There is always a downside to acceptances when you're 18. Well, downside for parents anyways. :) Since it's a discipleship training school, and not a university, there are no student loans, no grants, no nothing. Just pay it. And yet, knowing all that, I have a peace. I have no idea where the money will come from. But, I do know that God brought her this far, and He will meet her needs.

On September 15, she moves in. We're so excited and proud and nervous and thrilled and scared all at the same time. She's determined to walk through whatever door God opens for her, and I canNOT wait to see His vision for her life.


melanie said…
i am sooo excited. lindz- i love you and it is going to be awesome!
Lindsey, I am so proud of you. Don't forget my promise to continually pray for you. The Lord is going to do great things.
Heth said…
It's so exciting! Hooray Linds.
Anonymous said…
YEAH! I'm so excited! Lindsey will definately be on my prayer list the next 9 months. Go Girl!

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