Some days just go that way.

Our grandkids live with us.  They are age 3 and age 1.
Okay wait...their parents live here too...but they just aren't as important. :)

Most mornings, I love to hear the pitter patter of little feet as they wake up and begin their day.  Some mornings, the pitter patter of feet is replaced by other sounds.

Today, it was screams.  Tilly screams.
I know.  It seems almost impossible that this sweet innocent little one would be able to exert a extra large size tantrum.  But, believe me.  It can be done.

And not only was that early this morning...that was also late this morning...and early afternoon and late afternoon as well.

If she were older, I'd explain to her that yes..some days just go that way.  Some days nothing seems to go right and everything is an excuse to break down in an emotional fit.  Some days... you just want to throw a tantrum.  So, do it now.  You don't need a reason.  We will still love you when your fit subsides.

That's just the way it goes some days.


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