Where I am in life and blogging.

Sometimes I have narcissistic dreams that my blog will be some sort of memory for my children and grandchildren when I am gone.  And I panic.  Because what kind of story am I telling them with my silence?  I've dumbed down my stories to facebook status updates and instagram photos...and even then, I'm not doing so well.

So, here I am.  Back at the Dull As Dishwater site.  Maybe I'll try to put a reminder in my phone to update my blog more often.  Maybe I'll write myself a big sticky note on my computer to blog before I do anything else.  Or.  Maybe I'll do this one post and then a year and a half from now I'll do another.

Truth is... blogging has evolved to some crazy thing I don't know that I've kept up with.  I used to read my blogs at bloglines.  But, I can't remember my password.   So, all the blogs I used to read... I have no idea if they still blog because I can't find them or remember them.  So, today, I started a new account with newsblur....AND a new account with The Old Reader.  I couldn't' decide which one I liked better... so now I have two... which, I know... is totally dumb.

Besides.... now I'm Just. So. Darn. Busy.  My goal is to work 30 hours a week...but that's rare.  Last week it was 48.5... the week before it was 44....the week before that was 33 (score! sort of).  I'm struggling at finding a healthy work-life balance that will allow me adequate free time to chill and do things like record my life stories in this blog.

Alright.  So, what does life look like for me right now?  I'm living the dream.  Work - I own my own business doing bookkeeping, marketing, event planning, and procedures for small businesses.  98% of my time is spent on bookkeeping... and the other 2% is the other stuff.  I really really really enjoy my work.  There are days that bring challenges.  But, I love it overall.  And I see lots of potential for future growth for me... I just haven't figured out how to duplicate myself so I don't have to work crazy hours.

Kids - oldest daughter - lovely Haleigh is living on her own in her own apartment in a job she enjoys and is getting to know a special guy that seems to have captured her heart.  Second one - Lindsey and hubby Joe with grandbabies Eily and Tilly - live here with us right now.  They are a ton of fun and I have had a blast with them around.  Today, as a matter of fact right now, Eily (age 3) is painting Grampa's toenails. She was looking for someone willing to allow her to paint their nails and he was ready and waiting!  Abbie - sweet compassionate loving Abbie - is living at home and going to school to be a nurse.  This is perfect for her and right up her alley.  Her compassion abounds and she will be a fantastic nurse someday!  Emily - Little Red M... is in 9th grade, still dancing and still red. ;)  She's a lot of fun and she's having a great time being a high schooler!

Hubby and me just recently celebrated 25 years of marriage this year.  Who knew we could make a quarter of a century together?  We are still in love and still in like.  That's quite an accomplishment!

There you have it friends, an update on life in blog format.


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