Raise your hand if you have ever spent an entire evening making supper and then decided it was just too gross to serve, dumped it all down the garbage disposal, and ordered pizza!
agree with heth, what's the story? it's happened to me way more than i could count. what's sad is when you fix frozen pizza because super is gross, and then burn that.. noah eats anything though so that's always encouraging.
I have to take issue with something. Dave Ramsey... love him. usually. But, today... I got an email from him (not because we're personal friends but because we've paid to take his FPU class)... and he had the NERVE to say that coffee is not a necessity. it is a luxury. I'm contemplating my open letter to him. Something like this... Dear Dave, Although I appreciate all that you have done in your life and ministry, I have to take issue with one point. Coffee is not a luxury. How can I ask my husband to extend a special line item in our budget for Starbucks when you continue to claim that it is a luxury? Let me educate you on the value of my daily Starbucks .... First of all, it is research... when I get the necessary funds, I plan to open my own coffee shop, and it is vital to my financial peace that I complete the research needed for a successful coffee shop. Secondly, ... have you SEEN me in the morning when I don't have it? Do you work beside me? No... you haven't...
I went on a bike ride with my 9 year old yesterday. Okay... I will wait a minute while you gain your composure. You don't have to be so loud about it. I had been promising her that we would go on a bike ride together for a few days. Why didn't I promise her a trip to Starbucks for a nice hot latte? So, we ditched a few responsibilities and went on a bike ride. But, I didn't have a bike. So, I was going to walk. She said I could borrow Abbie's bike. Except Abbie has the bike seat from the land down under - you know what I mean. And my rear was not meant to sit on that tiny thing. But, I rode it anyway. After we crossed the street, we started heading down the road and it was pretty nice for a couple minutes. Luckily, my dad lives 2 blocks away, so we had to stop there to say hi and to tell him that we are on a bike ride. Then, we headed back on our bike ride. We left my dad's and there is a slight hill. Emily got tired just-in-the-nick-of-time so I had to walk...
So are you going to tell us what you made? Come on, we want the whole story.
it's happened to me way more than i could count. what's sad is when you fix frozen pizza because super is gross, and then burn that..
noah eats anything though so that's always encouraging.