it's a mullet
I went to get a long overdue haircut the other day and I told her I needed more "height". "I don't really want any taken off the bottom...or just a little. But, I really need it layered more at top and height. It just is so flat and boring all the time." Then it dawned on me and I said "I think I just asked you to give me a mullet". So... I know my adult daughters cringe when I attempt to take photos of myself. And rightly so. I haven't learned the art of self-photos. I manage to come up with these strange faces and eyebrow raises (fyi: the only time my wrinkles on my forehead go away I THINK is when I raise my I have all of these ridiculous photos of me that I have to mostly delete because I raise my eyebrows like a dork) Here it is. My new mullet. These were the best of the 100 photos I took. I couldn't get the camera to focus on me...kept focusing on the mirror edge... again, don't know what I'm doing...