Online poll

Just curious...

Does your workplace provide free coffee to the employees that work there?

Answer in the comments.


His Girl said…
yes, and soda too.

(the church has a coffee shop, and I can have all the diet coke or iced tea I can drink!)
Anonymous said…
The building I currently work in does, but the "main" buildings in downtown Portland don't.
Hannah G said…
Yep! And it's good stuff, too!
Anonymous said…
Yes. . .Chevron provides free coffee, tea, and hot cocoa. Two kinds of coffee. . .Peets and Starbucks. I know. . .we are spoiled.

Amie said…
No. I have to get the dishes done before I even make the coffee, so really I have to work to get coffee. AND I have to make it myself. And I have to pay for it. Oh, and pay for the creamer, too. And the cup. And I have to wash it when I'm the morning ......before my next pot.
Nicole said…
no way Jose! not even during the flood and the cafeteria was closed, people had to write their name down and pay later :(
Deb Canfield said…
No, we all take turns bringing it in.

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