
It's Monday.

I know I'm in the minority of the world...but I really don't mind Mondays. See, I worked it out this year that my day off is on Wednesday... so Mondays to me are like Thursday. And then Thursdays are Thursdays too... I never have to experience the horrible sinking feeling of a Monday. :)

And today... Em is home with a headache. So, I just HAVE to stay home with her. Which means I haven't worked yet this week and tomorrow is FRIDAY. See how that works?

It's just a little mind game I play to keep myself going.

Lately, we've been a bit busy during our free time. Our 16 year old is planning to go on a mission trip to Mexico this summer and she's got to raise $900 to go. So, hubby and I have donated our time - everything she works we will match - and we're cleaning and painting one side of a duplex that was trashed by some college kids. We're on the home stretch... we thought we would finish up yesterday but we ran out of paint. So, we'll be back at it one. more. time. She'll still have to do some other things to fundraise, but she'll get at least half the money with this job and our contributions as well.

In addition, I've been slowly emptying boxes. We moved into our house 2 1/2 years ago and we just recently got everything that was in storage and dumped it into our garage. My goal was to empty one box every day but that went by the wayside about day 3. At this rate, it will take me all spring to get it done.

In a couple of months, we are going to have a big huge garage sale. Some of the proceeds will go toward two kids going on missions trips. Our second oldest is going to Kygrystan this spring as well.

As I write that, I realize... I have a lot of work to do. Come on over and empty a box or two!


Heth said…
It's all about pacing yourself. One box at a time. And who knows what you will find? Maybe treasures!

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