it's a mullet

I went to get a long overdue haircut the other day and I told her I needed more "height". "I don't really want any taken off the bottom...or just a little. But, I really need it layered more at top and height. It just is so flat and boring all the time."

Then it dawned on me and I said "I think I just asked you to give me a mullet".

So... I know my adult daughters cringe when I attempt to take photos of myself. And rightly so. I haven't learned the art of self-photos. I manage to come up with these strange faces and eyebrow raises (fyi: the only time my wrinkles on my forehead go away I THINK is when I raise my I have all of these ridiculous photos of me that I have to mostly delete because I raise my eyebrows like a dork)

Here it is. My new mullet. These were the best of the 100 photos I took. I couldn't get the camera to focus on me...kept focusing on the mirror edge... again, don't know what I'm doing...


melanie said…
i love it. you look way stinking cute!!
Anonymous said…
It looks great! No one is going to mistake you for a Braveheart extra. Anyway, it's only hair. It grows!
Anonymous said…
i don't think it looks like a mullet at all. it's cute, cute, cute!
Amy Flege said…
doesnt like like a mullet to me!!!! i think it looks great on you!
Heth said…
Dude. Mullets are totally in. Welcome to the club. Membership to date? Two. Me and you.

It looks AWESOME.
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh Tina. . .I love it! I swear you look younger. .

Amie said…
Mullets. I think of "ugly" when I hear that word. But the hair is SO CUTE! Does that mean I like mullets??

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