
Considering the fact that I haven't posted on this blog since the middle of October, I realize this may very well be the only post I write in November. So, I feel like it should be super meaningful and utterly profound.

However, that is rarely the case with me lately. I can think of nothing profound and nothing meaningful. Oh, yes, I heard a great sermon, I've had some fantastic discussions, I've listened to some amazing podcasts lately. But, when I stop... and breathe... and actually THINK. It's usually about the following things... don't judge me.

1. The last time I got my hair colored, I couldn't even tell. I'm wondering how bold a 41 year old can go without looking foolish....
2. To get to sleep at night, I often make up "dreams" in my mind. Sometimes it's how I would spend a million dollars in the lottery.... lately, I've been taking trips to France and then riding the train around to all the beautiful places in Europe that I've always wanted to see...
3. I have a friend who has a recipe for a bread bowl dip.... it's a really delicious creamy cheesy yummyness... that I have been wondering who I can invite over for an excuse to make this warm comforting goodness... and when.
4. What is that pain in my left foot? How long has it been there? Why don't I notice these things sooner?
5. What should I use to cover my climbing rose bush? I don't know whatever possessed me to buy such a finicky plant that takes so much maintenance.
6. I really need to start planning my Thanksgiving dinner. I already bought an 18 pound turkey. I wonder if I should make a few desserts to test before the big day arrives.


Oooh, I want the recipe for the bread bowl cream cheesy goodness!!!

And most definitely you should test run the desserts. :)

Have I told you how fabulous you are? You are.
melanie said…
I so want to come for the bread bowl too.. or wait better yet.. lets go to France...! love you.
Heth said…
1. Go bold. There's no point in paying to have your hair colored if you can't tell. You could go Shanda blue...
2. I love that you dream while you are awake. Super fun. I think it's something we do as kids and somewhere along the line we stop.
3. Share the recipe.
4. Ouch.
5. Let nature take it's course. But that's just me. I play hardball with my plants. Either that or I'm lazy...
6. You are the antithesis of a procrastinator. What would that be called? Someone who actually plans ahead? Good job. And if you need someone to test those desserts you make, you know my number.
Angela said…
Creamy cheesy dip? And you're wondering WHO to invite over? Matt. Ang. Isabella. :-)

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