a bumper crop

There is good news, and then there is bad news.  The good news is that I have a bumper crop in my garden!

The bad news is that the bumper crop is weeds.

We’ve had a very rainy busy spring.  Busy means we haven’t had time to weed.  Rainy means the weeds grow and grow and grow.


No pictures of my garden this time around ladies and gentlemen.  It’s bad.  Real bad.  I’m so ashamed.

We have been picking spinach until the cows cOurome home.  But, unfortunately…. two entire rows have started to go to seed.  Waaah.

The tomatoes are growing… and I haven’t had time to put the cages on them.  I think I will regret that when the sun starts to shine again.

The city is officially OUT of the free compost we devoured last year.  Which means, our potatoes are suffering immensely.  Our brilliant plan is usually to NOT bury them deep and continue to compost and pile it on all summer long.  It works beautifully when we have free compost we can consume by the truckload.  Now….?  Not sure what we’ll do.

We tried to weed today…while it was sprinkling, as is the case every day.  However, we can only get so far until our shoes and hoes are embedded with mud.

AND… to top it all off…. we made our garden bigger this year.  However, all the rain has prevented us from planting the pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, herbs…. so much of the garden is void of vegetables…. more room for the weed monster to consume.

Sometimes, gardening can be frustrating… but it still is enjoyable.


melanie said…
i will come and help you SOON! yippeee...

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