...i...m.... sooo.....tired......

i've been so messed up lately with my sleep. i keep getting up in the wee hours of the morning and can't get back to sleep. this morning it was 3:30. it's fun at 3:30 cuz I get so much work done around the house. but, it really stinks at 4pm when i am draggin and groggy.

lindsey ** aka "Jitz" ** tells me she likes reading my blog. she thinks it is interesting. wow! go figure! more than you heth! ;)

i wouldn't use the word "interesting" though. does that mean I don't talk to her enough? i told her she should post something then and make me look like i have a lot of bloggers on my blog.

i am an 80's gal. graduated high school in 1986 - you can't get more 80's than me. and i really like the 80's. 80's had great music (i am a go-gos fan to be honest, i'll blog about that another time), great hair, great fads, but well... not such great clothing. i did really like my polo shirts and zena jeans though. we wore penny loafers and slouch socks. i'd die if i still had those clothes. the popular color for my homecoming of my senior year was really cutting edge... gray and pink. i wore gray cords and a pink sweater. a couple years ago my oldest daughter haleigh wore the same colors to homecoming and i don't think i will ever forget that.

anyway, i told you i was tired so that's why i get so sidetracked. but that's what blogs are for... nothing really- just a bunch of stupid information to tell nobody really.

back to the 80's. i was thinking earlier... what in the world would we have said in the 80's if someone said "hey you should check out my blog on the web - it's at double u double u double u dot tortelitha dot blogspot dot com".

sometimes i'd like to just go back to the 80's and try it... just, you know... to see what they say.


iridium said…
All in all it's just a...nother brick in the wall.

Tina said…
no... i said Go Gos. Not pink floyd.

We got the beat!
Tina said…
no... i said Go Gos. Not pink floyd.

We got the beat!
Tina said…
oops I published that twice.
Tina said…
now it looks like i have a lot of interesting comments!

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