our newest family photo


Heth said…
Oooh, she looks like she fits right in. You were meant to have five girls Tina. There's still time for a permanent one, one that doesn't go home to her own country in nine months......

Wait, isn't that ironic? Nine months. Get on it you two!
Tina said…
I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and STICKS To YOU!!!

ha! back at ya!
Amy Flege said…
cute photo you geeks!!!
melanie said…
awww, come on tina! that would be sooooo great!! i love the photo- it's adorable. you guys always have to much fun, can i join your family too???
Sarah said…
What a lovely family!
sRa said…
that's so cute, i bet julia's family loves it.
Brenda said…
You guys are so awesome. Our neighbor has an Italian Student, he's such a cutie!!

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