something random

I was hit this morning with a sudden realization that I haven't posted ANYthing on this blog for almost a week. No wonder I lose readers!

I think today is another one of those random days. I told Heth the other day that I could probably tag all of my blog entries "random". After I walked away from the conversation, it struck me as really funny and I laughed all the way home. I am sure that nobody else sees it quite as funny as I do... it's my sense of humor that nobody ever seems to get.

So, here are a few random pieces of information about our lives.

1. It's spring - and we know it because the pile of snow that was in the school playground is now black. It hasn't totally melted. It just turned black.

2. There were 17 (we counted them) robins in my backyard on Easter Sunday.

3. I have gained 10 pounds since Sunday from all the candy and creamy food we ate.

4. Haleigh has an interview this week for an internship in sunny california that she really wants. Good Luck Haleigh!

5. Abbie has an interview at an ice cream store in town today. It's a bittersweet thing really. I want her to get the job cuz she really wants it. And I want to visit her there. a lot. But then, in light of #3 above, I really shouldn't.

6. Em decided Enrique Fashions (pronounced En -REEK- A) is going to be a hit when she grows up. She is a self-proclaimed fashionista. Oh.. and I should add that everyone that is in her band will also wear her fashions and be super trendy sassy fun cool and fantastic. (her words, not mine)

7. I am in the mood to spend lots and lots and lots of money here. It doesn't happen very often, so I really need to take advantage of my mood and get with it to get something done. See? Another proof of spring.

Have a super sassy fun cool and fantastic day!


Anonymous said…
I linked to the container store and low and behold I heard choirs of angels!!! My dream, a place for everything and everything in its place! (did you notice I said dream, denoting something that is not real?)
Ann said…
Yes, random is good. And I think it's cute that you referred us to a container store website.
melanie said…
i have no sense of fashion. none. you think em could set me up with some Enrique??? go.. Abbers!!! our clan wants to come see you!!
Heth said…
Go ABBIE! That would be a fantastic place to work. I'm with ya on the snow. Why does it just turn black all of a sudden. Kind of gross....

Random posts are some of my favorites.
Anonymous said…
On the snow, who ever knew you shouldn't eat ANY snow, I always thought it was just don't eat YELLOW snow! All that dirt is really in there!!!
Judy said…
What's with the band scene? Ethan just described to me how he and his band are going to totally rock the church out when he's older. Crack me up! Maybe Em can help him with his fashion. These days it seems to be pant legs tucked into socks, and coat collar tucked under because that's where they land when he puts them on, and who has time to care when you're a 7 year old boy who knows everything?

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