under pressure part 2

I wish it were more glamorous. I wish it were some kind of spiritual breakthrough. I wish I could say I suddenly had an epiphany that order doesn't matter to me. If you are like me, you know how you long for it not to matter. But, the truth is..it does.

So, I had decided I was going to lay down the law. My 16 year old hadn't been participating in the clean up efforts... my 21 year old just moved all her stuff back into the house... my 9 year old's room was in disasterous state with trailings all over the house, my husband was being a husband. I know he wanted to help and tried... but didn't fully comprehend what he could should do.

The day before I had given in. The 15 year old wanted needed to do something. It was important. And I let her go only to regret it later when nothing was accomplished on the home front. So, Tuesday night I laid down the law. No nothing. for anyone. No practices. No friends. No phone. No church. No nothing. It was school and home until order arrived. I had to do what all moms hate to do. I had to let the drama team pay the price for our disorder and not let Abb go to practice. I hated it. Everything in me screamed that it wasn't their fault, but I knew I had to do it. You know those times. I cancelled the "friend over" for the 9 year old, called the parent and calmly explained that her daughter couldn't come over because my 9 year old has chosen to ignore her room too long. Of course, the mother completely understood. So did the drama team

So, I abandoned the house for a few minutes and when I returned, I found the break I had been needing for weeks. A friend. A heavenly friend straight from God. A friend who I will call Melanie (to protect her identity of course). When I arrived at home, she was cleaning my house...side by side with my daughter and the other two drama students. They decided that since Abbers couldn't come to practice, it had to be desperate... and they wanted to intervene to help her out. They didn't stop there... they continued.... and one by one, they left... and "Melanie" stayed until after 10pm helping me get it all. done.

I wanted to kick her out.. I know she didn't need to be there. I know she had a home of her own probably in need of the same care. I know she didn't have the time or even the energy to help me out. But, she knew. She understood. She had been there before and could see that I needed a little help from my friend.

And I really did. Since she left, my whole demeaner has changed. I slept better, I relaxed some, I did my devotions without a pad of paper for "the list" next to me, I actually picked up the book I had started several weeks ago. (which totally ministered to me too).

I guess the breakthrough I had was that I realized that sometimes we just need to have someone to come up alongside of us, push up their sleeves, and help us out. We women seem to think we can't have help, but at times, we just need it.

So, all of you who relate to me... I'm comin over. I'm not sure when... but I'm comin over... and I'm bringin "Melanie".


That is the best best best! All of it. So true, how we as ladies think we don't need help...HA! who are we kidding?!?
melanie said…
i really don't think you know how many times you have met me where i was and ministered to me and served me and loved me. i am honored to be your sister my friend.
Amie said…
OHHH! My sister and neice did that for me - I wasn't even home, but when I got there, there was a note on the table, dishes done, floors vacuumed, tables wiped. And I did. not. want to go home that day because I knew when I got there, I would be at it all day. THE BEST!

And I'm quite sure you were deserving. :) Can't beat good friends.
Angela said…
That's incredible. What a good friend. We all do need help...it can be hard to ask for when we know everyone else is busy, too. But it's the best feeling to have someone come alongside physically or even emotionally and spiritually. Love it!
Heth said…
I'm getting all teary over here. That "melanie", what an angel. Beautiful.

Those counters look fantastic Tina. Wow.
Anonymous said…
I loved this. It is so encouraging to know we're not alone, to have someone come along side to bear our burdens with us.
Amy Flege said…
it looks wonderful.. will you send them to my house next???/
Anonymous said…
*sigh* That was beautiful. Sniffle, sniff. We all know what you felt when you looked around your home and nothing screamed at you; "CLEAN ME!!!!!!!!"
PJ said…
Absolutely precious!!!! Nothing like a great friend. And I do mean great!
Judy said…
PRAISE GOD for friends who selflessly give us the help and boost we need! I, too, have been blessed by one such person in the past week or so! Awesome. We need our sisters in Christ!
Stephanie said…
AHHHHHHH.......a good friend and a clean slate. Loved on by Jesus through others peoples hands and feet. God is so good.

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