
My Mother in Law is recovering from her surgery in the hospital. It's a slow recovery. She has MS and it seems that nothing is normal with MS patients.... so please continue to pray for her.

Today, I spent the stormy day at home trying to catch up on some overdue things...

1. froze 16 quarts of super sweet corn.
2. baked 6 loaves of chocolate zuchini bread. See recipe below... This is the best invention since hocolate cake. I'll never make regular zuchini bread again. ever.
3. made homemade salsa with the peppers, tomatoes, and cilantro from the garden.
4. harvested 3 heads of cauliflower - they were starting to get overripe... not good.
5. cleaned the bag of carrots I pulled a few days ago - have I mentioned that carrots are a pain to clean? If I have, it really deserves repeating.
6. tried my hand at homemade pablos chicken quesadillas... this local restaurant closed down and I LOVED the way they made their quesadillas with veggies... so I tried my hand at it.. and I think they turned out pretty. darn. good.
7. ate a couple pounds of puppy chow... made by the two youngest girls. bless their heart - they made two entire bowls full... so now I can eat it all week.
8. Taught my 10 year old how to shave her legs. This was very overdue just fyi.

Tomorrow I'm heading to the hospital all day. I discovered they have wireless so I'm taking my laptop.... I wonder if Marge will mind me posting pics of her on my blog??? hehe... jk


Heth said…
Holy Cannolli you knocked it OUT yesterday. Dang.

I took a nap.
Amy Flege said…
wow you kicked but girl.. i would love to see a picture of margie!!
I enjoyed my visit to your very busy blog today. WOW, you are a spastic one but with four girls Ya'just can't help it. This farm chick is knee deep in elder care. It can become all consuming. As we say here in the Ozarks, ya'll have a blessed evening. I will pray for your MIL.
Angela said…
You made our quesadillas?!?! What cheese did you use? Oh, I could go for one right now!!!

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