she has returned

Haleigh is back!

She returned late last night after a thirty something hour travel.... you know, the planes, trains, and automobile thing.

I hope I can coax her to blog some about her trip on her blog. We talked all the way home from the meeting point about different things she did and saw.

She's gotten quite good at using chopsticks and developed a taste for green tea!

Next week, Lindsey leaves on a just as fun, but not as far away or quite as long a trip to Toronto. Some of you whom I know LIVE in Canada most likely don't think that is quite that exciting.... and certainly not as big a culture shock. But, she will have a great time.

On the return trip, they will stop at one of the world's wonders, Niagra Falls. I've always wanted to go to Niagra Falls.

Check out our house blog at


Amy Flege said…
so glad haleigh is back. cant wait to see pix and hear all about it! hope lindsey has fun!!!
are all 4 girls ever home at once? haha
T said…
I'm looking forward to hearing more about her trip. And pictures show us pictures!

I assume Lindsey will see the CN tower but there's another Toronto attraction that I really enjoyed Casa Loma If she is not going with an organized tour the City Pass looks like a good deal. Niagara Falls is great too, you can go down in tunnells right behind the falls.
sRa said…
tina,would you edit your links already.

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