Thursday 13

13 Things I waste my TIME doing

(Okay, so I don’t have the official Thursday Thirteen Code, cuz I’m too lazy to figure out how to do it! If you want it, and you’re not lazy, go here)

1. It’s a four-letter word at times when I should be doing other things- BLOG
2. Watching LOST (Now I could argue that this isn’t a waste of time, and that it’s actually entertaining and therefore, therapeutic)
3. Eating sunflower seeds – it’s such an addicting thing to eat.
4. Reading Cookbooks – I know it’s a weird thing to read. But, we haven’t eaten the same meal in a month and a half because of my “reading”.
5. Making LISTS – It doesn’t matter what about, I just find myself constantly making lists. It just “feels” like I get more done if I write it down.
6. Thinking up 13 Things! Maybe it isn’t the blogging that wastes my time, it’s trying to think of something to say.
7. Google – need I say more?
8. Daydreaming – most of the time I daydream about my lists!
9. Cleaning my house – I sometimes wonder if mothers with toddlers have a cleaner house than mothers with teenagers.
10. TAXI
11. PLANNING – you should see our busy calendar
12. Picking up Spy Gear – My 7 year old has an over-active imagination. Seriously, the stuff is everywhere.
13. Going to Wal-Mart. I am NOT JOKING people. We have gone to Wal-Mart everyday for the past two weeks it seems. You would think with all those lists, I’d have a complete one and with all that Planning we could narrow it down to one trip. But, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Amie said…
Lists and Wal-Mart. t, I love you.
Diane Viere said…
Daydreaming about your lists! LOL! I try to block out all the lists! You're a hoot!

Heth said…
The answer to number nine is no.
Angela said…
Awesome. You are so great.

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