100 day challenge

Last night, my 16 year old and I were talking. She wanted to join a local grocery store challenge to lose weight and exercise. It cost $18 and you get a free t-shirt. I thought it was a rip off. I said, "what you ought to do is come up with your own challenge".

So she did.

Beginning Monday, entrants pitch in $10. For 100 days, we will exercise and eat *cough* healthy.

The winner: keeps all the money.

Want to join us? The more the merrier. So far, we have about 8 individuals. With 2 more, we'd have 10. Who couldn't use a hundred bucks?


melanie said…
im game... but what's the rules???
Anonymous said…
That sounds really good. How do you win?
Heth said…
So....in a little more than a hundred days, there is this race called Run Like A Mother. So then pay THAT $18ish bucks and we can all celebrate by doing 4 miles together. And great coffee at the finish line. I'm just saying....
Anonymous said…
me me me me me

recruited by Mel but that does not get her extra credit LOL
oooh, Heth and her stiking race :) kidding i am gearing up for that bad boy (or should I say bad mother..) FOR SURE

count me in!!!
Tina said…
Ann, the winner is the one who loses the most at the end of 100 days.
Nicole, I will email you info.
Jenny said…
I'm in. But seriously, do I have to like weight in or something or is this just on the honor system? :) I am even game for the race if you want to let me know some info Heth!

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