
I am truly amazed at gardens.... that it can go from this...(note: please ignore the weeds.... )

the 5 rows of corn

to this....


in just a few weeks.











On the days it hasn't rained, I've been pretty faithful to water.


I heard a seasoned vegetable gardener say "it's going to be a great year for potatoes!"  I can't wait.  Even though this is my first year of a big garden, I already know a few of my mistakes.


18 pumpkin seeds = 18 pumpkin plants = 1 big mess of pumpkin vines.  Why didn't I read a little more on this before I planted?


Not NEARLY enough onions.  We could eat these things every day. And we do.  Therefore, I am not sure how many of them are going to make it to maturity.  So, a couple days ago, I planted more... just in case.


Corn takes up a bit of space.  And 1 stalk = 1 ear of corn.  We might get enough for 3 meals if we're lucky.  AND... when large winds come, this is what happens to corn.

IMG_0900 IMG_0902

The plants on the left are some sunflowers badly in need of thinning.

However, I don't know... but, words can't express how much fun it is to garden.  It has quickly become one of our favorite places to sit.


And my girls think I am absolutely nuts... but I'm loving the few little statues I have there already.  One of them was given to me by my dear friend Mary for my birthday.  It kind of represents our lives... sometimes I hold her up and sometimes she holds me up (okay, pay no attention to the fact that one of them is a boy)


And this little guy... Emily named Bob.  IMG_0847

And come on girls... it doesn't get any sexier than this...


Happy Summer!

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Heth said…
Your garden is looking fantastic Tina! YAY! The statues are great.
Devoted Momma said…
You are so funny Tina, love the last pic. You are my inspiration to one day plant a garden of my own and I will definitely keep your great learning tips in mind. Happy Gardening!

momzie said…
Is that last one a statue of Shawn?
And what's a "brassica"?
I'm picking fresh spinach from our garden for our greeeen smoothies.
What a green thumb you have going there!
melanie said…
ooohh!! i miss your garden.. :( i kinda felt like it was mine. even tho i did nothing to it or with it.. im coming back to eat it!!! it looks awesome!
I am way impressed with your gardening skills! Green onions...yum!

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