A Mom's Heart

My heart is heavy.
I rarely watch tv.
But, today as I flipped through the channels of television, my thoughts became deep.
Every channel it seemed were filled with scantily dressed women and teens.
Even the food network showed a woman cooking with a more than revealing shirt on.

Lord, why is it so hard being a mom?

Being a mom of four daughters, I am constantly bombarded with a battle to encourage my girls to keep their hearts pure.

How does a mother battle with the media?  
When I was a teen, it seemed it was just a few channels, a few magazines, a few areas…
But today, clothes are skimpy and bodies are thinner and thinner.  Articles on how to be a good kisser and what to wear to attract boys are rapid in magazines geared toward girls age 12-20.

“Keep your heart with all diligence for out if it spring the issues of life” Proverbs 4:23

How do I tell my daughter that it doesn’t matter what others say about her?  It only matters what God says.  How do I battle against the peer pressure today that says to throw morals to the wind and do what feels good?  How can I convince my teen that God and I care for her… that the world doesn’t know her.. .and that God and I will fight for her heart?

Who else will fight for their hearts?

A young pregnant mom came up to me at church today and announced “It’s a girl!”

I think I said “Congratulations.  It’s the best and the worst experience you’ll ever know”.

Wow. What an encourager I am.

It’s the best.  Playing dress up and knowing that she is a princess in every aspect of life.  Knowing that she is beautiful and awe-inspiring, created in the image of God, called to be the Bride of Christ.

And knowing that she will doubt all that she is and all that is true about her at some point in her life.  

My prayer today for my girls… that they would know who they are IN CHRIST and that they will be rooted and founded on HIM and not the things of the world.

May Christ through your faith [actually] dwell (settle down, abide, make His permanent home) in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.
Ephesians 3:17


Heth said…
Great thoughts. I'm totally with ya.
SuperMom said…
My four year old loves the Barbie princess movies (Rapunzel, Swan Lake, etc.). But now they are advertising the newest Barbie movie, "The Barbie Diaries" on the princess movies. On one preview this little teen Barbie and her friends are going on about some guy being a good kisser!!


Why can't we just let them be little? They've got the rest of their lives to be grown up.
melanie said…
your girls are so blessed to have you as their mom, someone with Christ, to fight for them and to show them that they measure up and who they truly are.
Natalie Joy said…
I so feel your pain. My heart aches for all the teen girls who just don't get it. Which is most of them. They try so hard and give way to much of themselves away, only to be hurt. I pray every day for my Mellie that she will know how to handle this stuff someday. But not too soon.
Angela said…
That is so true; without loving, careful guidance, they will struggle to navigate the difficult waters of this world we live in. But you are a wonderful mom and are giving them the tools they need to be the beautiful, pure women of God that they are becoming. None of us are perfect, but train them up right, and God will take care of the rest. You are so awesome!!
Kelly said…
I hear ya! I've had more than one discussion about appropriate attire with my 9 year old daughter!!!

God help me!
T said…
What juliabohemian, there's no new secret way to... are you sure? Really? Darn.

(ha ha)

Pray for my girls too. For all girls. And don't give in to peer preasure. Don't be a 'cool' mom, be a good caring mom who loves them enough to teach them about their own dignity.
Dionna said…
I am raising two girls as well. It can be frustrating and discouraging at times. But oh what an opportunity we have! To raise beautiful, Godly, wise, sweet young women who can make a difference in the world. Women who will stand out.
I know that the safest place they will ever be is in God's arms...
Sarah said…
Another blogger has started a movement about this sort of thing. And this really is not a spam post. I promise. Anyway head over to http://www.everydaymommy.net/everyday-mommy/2006/9/5/moms-dads-for-modesty.html

And maybe sign up!

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