
And you thought YOU were weird?

Heth tagged me to do this… I are supposed to list six weird things about me. Heth did it.  I don’t think her things are that weird.  I should write “six reasons why Heth isn’t weird”.  Duh… everybody does the things she listed.  --- don’t they?  Well, hang on… except the elbow thing.  (

Okay… well, sorry mom sorry dad, sorry family.  The world must know.  

Six things that are weird about me, in no specific order and with no detail.  (

  1. the way I rub my nose

  2. my hiccups.  Ohmygosh… so weird.

  3. my ballerina moves

  4. radish sandwiches

  5. icy icy icy cold water – that’s not really that weird.

  6. I memorize numbers

There you have it folks, my weirdness…


Tina said…
oh I forgot -- I tag shawn, shera, amy, and mary!
Heth said…
You know I'm going to ask for details. I want more into on the icy cold water. Like, for a shower? To drink? To wash your brights?
Angela said…
Radish sandwiches? I suppose I can't make fun if I've never had a radish in my life.

Sorry. I'm weirder. Although we have the number thing in common; I memorize numbers and license plates. Not on purpose - they just stick in my head.
melanie said…
did em get her ballerina moves from you??
Diane Viere said…
Now, without the scary details...how will we evaluate the exact level of weirdness??????????!!!!!!!

:) Glad you came out to play!

Tina said…
I shall say no more... :)

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