1000 wellls

Our church is doing the 1000 Wells Project -
Sunday when we went home from church, we talked about it. We all decided that we would go ahead and participate. ALL of us.

Here's the jist of it .... 2 weeks - drink nothing but water - whatever you would have normally drank, put that money in a cup, and give it to the 1000 wells project to dig a well in Africa for clean water. Simple. Right?

Okay, well, it has been three days. That's all. just three. I have messed up three times. Once was when I went to the Pizza Ranch and ... well, what could I do? The drink was included in the price you pay for buffet? I had to drink it.....

Second was when I had a meeting at work. They had donuts. I had no coffee for two days! I HAD TO DO IT!!! Get off my back people! I HAD NO CHOICE!

Lastly, it was the cookies that did it. It would have been no problem for me except that I baked those DARN cookies! And they were so good.... but not perfect... and it was only a HALF a glass of milk, not a whole one... and I only dunked the cookies, so technically I didn't drink it. Well, until the last little bit but then there were so many chunks of cookie in there, it wasn't like drinking... more like eating.

Emily isn't doing so good either. She was at grammas yesterday morning and I got a desperate phone call....

mommy... can i PLEASE have just one drink of juice? my throat hurts and i NEED one drink of juice! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSE????


Truthfully, this is a great experience for us. My friend Sandy is in Africa right now as I write this.... most likely wishing desperately there were more clean wells for the people to drink. I stop and pray for her now and then during this time, knowing she has not only given up milk and pop and juice... but oh so much more.... for the people in Uganda to have hope for their lives, for their future, for eternity.

In 2 Samuel 24, King David said (paraphrased by me) "How can I give my God that which costs me nothing?"....

I count it a privelege and an honor to struggle through 2 weeks of nothing but water, in order that I can give to God, who can bless the struggling families in Africa. It is my prayer that God will give the increase.


Diane Viere said…
Tell me it aint' so! Cookies with no milk! How can you do it!?

But God Bless you for your sacrifice....for others...and for teaching your children that there are others outside of themselves! Yes, I am in total agreement with you--May God supply the increase!

Amie said…
Great lesson for the kids, too! Way to go Mama! You'll just have to start your two weeks over tomorrow. :)
Angela said…
You challenge me. I thought my matching program would work ($1 for pop, $1 for 1000 Wells). But the sacrifice is the whole point, and I'm not sacrificing anything that way. I have not done well this week, either. Thanks for the reminder of what I should be doing.
Natalie Joy said…
It has been really hard. But think of the beatiful people who will benefit from this great well.
Heth said…
I love Emily's phone call.
Brenda said…
Don't you think some of it's habit??? You can do it!!!!!

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