I wonder...

As I was baking cookies this morning, I thought about Christmas. I was singing Christmas songs... Joy the the World... and my mind went to a time 2000 years ago when a baby was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

I wonder what it was like when Jesus was born.

Did the world feel a moment or two of extreme peace and joy as Jesus took his first breath of life?

Did those gathered round gasp as they witnessed the birth of God in flesh?

Did they realize that this baby would be the answer to the sins of the world?

What was it like?

I imagine that heaven and nature did sing. The rustling wind, the trees ripple, ... did it stop and sing?

Somewhere in the world, did someone forgive a brother? Did a husband and wife find reconciliation? Was someone's heart softened, even for a moment?

I've experienced four births of my own children. The miracle of birth alone is incredible. The first breath of life.... is beyond words.

To experience the time when the Lord of the Universe, the King of Israel... took his first breath as a baby, I cannot imagine the glory.

Could anyone stand up? Could anyone even look at the manger? The glory of God had to be illuminating from that place in such a way that none could fathom.

Somehow it changes the way I sing the songs...

O come let us adore Him

O come let us adore Him

O come let us adore Him

Christ the Lord!


Heth said…
Wow. Amazing things to think about!
Diane Viere said…
Yes, these are all things that make His birth more real....and deeply appreciated! As if offering eternal and abundant life wasn't enough! These are great thoughts to ponder.

Merry Christmas!


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