I have to take issue with something. Dave Ramsey... love him. usually. But, today... I got an email from him (not because we're personal friends but because we've paid to take his FPU class)... and he had the NERVE to say that coffee is not a necessity. it is a luxury. I'm contemplating my open letter to him. Something like this... Dear Dave, Although I appreciate all that you have done in your life and ministry, I have to take issue with one point. Coffee is not a luxury. How can I ask my husband to extend a special line item in our budget for Starbucks when you continue to claim that it is a luxury? Let me educate you on the value of my daily Starbucks .... First of all, it is research... when I get the necessary funds, I plan to open my own coffee shop, and it is vital to my financial peace that I complete the research needed for a successful coffee shop. Secondly, ... have you SEEN me in the morning when I don't have it? Do you work beside me? No... you haven't...
ab could be your twin!