
Nearly two months ago, Shawn & I went away for a week on a business trip. While we were gone, something happened to our tv and it doesn't work anymore. It might be an easy fix or a simple antenna adjustment, but we haven't tried.

It dawned on me this morning that it has been nearly two months since I've heard the babbling of a television set... and I don't miss it. This isn't the first time we have gone without a tv, and each time we do this, I realize how much of our lives are missed as we sit in a trance in front of the little square box in the living room. How many robins songs are drowned out by the news in the morning. How many chickadees I miss as I wait for the today show. How many shaped clouds are unseen as my eyes are glued to the obama whitehouse news.

This morning I wondered what must God think of me? The time and effort He pours into His Creation... the beauty and majesty of the God of the Universe... the amazing intricate designs of the Almighty... and I have chosen to bury my head in a tiny man made machine watching fantasies of another person's mind.

Last night, I tried to watch a tv show on dvd (our dvd player and Wii still work of course). I was surprised by the assault. Subtle things that I may have dismissed months ago as normal to see and hear; the language, the dress, the innuendos... made me glad that we have spent the last several weeks living the reality of our family and friends. It made me thrilled that the greatest fantasy I have right now is for my tomatoes to begin to turn color and my pumpkins to grow bigger and to see the peppers begin to flower and produce fruit. It excited me that my routine each day includes an hour of prayer to the creator of my favorite show... life.


Amy Flege said…
beautiful thoughts tina... i rarely watch tv anymore. Just a choosen few shows. i would much rather be doing something else
melanie said…
i did it.. didn't i. i don't know what.. but God has turned my havoc into blessing..:)

4 more DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Heth said…
So true Tina. So true.
jenni said…
i so agree with you, BUT what about when the new season of the Office starts up in the fall... will your tv still be broken? ;)
Tina said…
I haven't thought about that yet Jenni.... did you have to spoil the fun here? I was having some deep thoughts....

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