Things I’ve learned this week…
I’ve been experimenting some on twitter this week. Months ago, I started like three different twitter accounts and couldn’t figure out how to do it. The one that I named “Tortelitha”? Yeah, can’t figure out the password anymore. So, this past week, I’ve figured out a few things on Twitter. 1. To get followers you have to tweet. 2. To get followers you have to follow. 3. One message = a tweet, More than one message=tweets, and when you are posting these messages you are tweeting. Simple to some, but not to me. 4. Peeps are everyone in the “Twitter Community” that you follow. Yes, you are part of a community here. And a “re-tweet” is like a Christmas gift… the best one you can give your fellow peeps. 5. It’s good to follow “master peeps”…whoever they are in your world. 6. makes your superlongcrazyurlIcan’tbelieveitsthislongbutithinkyoushouldcheckitout.coms into a usable format. 7. Those things you never do in texting – Gr8 – ...