where the coffee’s always hot….

A while ago, I mentioned that I was starting my own business.  I decided this morning that I should finally blog a little more about that.

Throughout the last 23 years, I’ve worked, stayed home, worked, stayed home, worked, stayed home…it’s been a fluctuation between working outside the home, and staying home with the kids. 

For the most part, I’ve been blessed to be a part of a family that has a home building business.  So, the majority of my work has been for the family business.  But, I’ve also worked… at an insurance agency,  McDonald’s, several nursing homes as a nurses aide, a hotel as a desk clerk and auditor, church, as an after school nature program coordinator,a rubber manufacturer’s plant, and a medical billing office.

All of these places have taught me things.  I could go on and on about the lessons I’ve learned in my employment.  Both good and bad, my bosses, coworkers, supervisors… have all played a part in who I have become.

Last year, we did a book club on the book 48 Days to the Work You Love by Dan Miller.  Dan challenges his readers to "LOVE MONDAYS”.  To not just “work” but to “live”….to not just go through the motions and be a part of a story…but to create your own story.  It was very challenging for me personally.  I knew that I was not living the way that I should be, could be, wanted to be….

For several years, I’ve wanted to start my own coffee shop.  But, there are lots of things that stopped me.  The biggest of these was that I didn’t want to be away from my family for the hours that I knew it would take to build a successful coffee shop.

But the things that I love… the things I enjoy… continued to beckon me to start my own business.

Strange as they may seem, these things I love: organization, structure, strategies, planning… these concepts define me in a lot of ways.  As I was driving home the other day with Emily, she said “Mom…. why do you just LOVE organization so much?”.   Even my family knows this.

My business is taking shape.  I spend a lot of time working on planning, details, structure, strategies…. and I have four clients.  Four. 

Speaking of four.

That’s what I do.  Four things. 

Small business bookkeeping, Marketing strategies for small businesses, Business structuring and procedures, and Event planning.

With the help of my great friend, I even came up with a name…. Fore Agency.

I’m not so sure about the “agency part”… because it sounds kind of like a detective or a government entity.  But, at the same time… it’s influential…right?

So, I have become a part of those known as the “Barefoot Executives'”… I roll out of bed in the morning…sometimes get dressed, sometimes not… I walk into the other room where my office is located… and I work. Right here. Right where I want to be.  Where the company is good… and the coffee is always hot.


melanie said…

just picture me sitting right there. the chair on your right, my left, with a HOT steamy cup of creamer with just a touch of coffee. Im bothering you & you can't accomplish ANYTHING because i am holding Eily & shes so DANG cute that you can't take your eyes off of her.

Wait.. jitz and abbie and josh come in and we all play monopoly. and I WIN.

You are going to GREAT.

Angela said…
I'm in the club, too! Well, not so much. I don't own my business. But I work at home, too! :-)

I like the "Fore" part. I'll have to think of some alternatives for Agency. At the moment I'm too tired to do so.

Love you lots! You will be such an amazing asset to your clients!
Anonymous said…
Fore Creative Solutions

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