This one's for Momzie
Momzie has requested that I post something on my blog. I am a slacker. And here's why: I have a boring life people! I go to work, go to church, go home, eat, sleep, and lately, cough.
Nothing exciting about that. Occasionally, I will get an inspired message from God worth sharing, or have a witty thought that I attempt to wow you all with. But, mostly, I'm boring.
Last Sunday, I went to church, and the entire time I listened to the message, I wanted to fall asleep. Now, hang on. I didn't mean it like you think. The message was actually quite funny. We had these guys show up... kind of.
Nothing exciting about that. Occasionally, I will get an inspired message from God worth sharing, or have a witty thought that I attempt to wow you all with. But, mostly, I'm boring.
Last Sunday, I went to church, and the entire time I listened to the message, I wanted to fall asleep. Now, hang on. I didn't mean it like you think. The message was actually quite funny. We had these guys show up... kind of.
So, anyway... I was tired. I was so sleepy. I just wanted to sleep. So, after church, I went home and slept. Took a nice long nap. Then, when I got up, after having a coughing fit. I decided I needed to take some more medicine. When I went to get the stuff I had taken earlier that morning, I realized.... it was nite time that I had taken. No wonder I was so tired!
See... like I said. Boring as all get out. Maybe I'll have some inspiration in the next couple of days.
And I'm sorry you're feeling so lousy. I'm glad the medicine helps.
Thank you for the dedication and like the above commenters, I say you are anything but boring! You are one of the most interesting, witty, well rounded people I know. I could listen to you chatter for hours. You and Shawn are hilarious and your laughter is contagious. So if that's what defines boring, bring it!
We'll be checking on you in church to see if you're dozing.