busy weekend plans

I'm really looking forward to my weekend. I just had a day off work yesterday, and already I'm looking for the weekend! Crazy!

Friday night I'm going here. I am really looking forward to a night of worship.
Saturday night we're going to church and out to eat. I think I will make my family let me choose the place. :)
Sunday is Em's dance recital at a Festival of Trees. We're going to get into the Christmas spirit already!! Whoo hooo!

On another note, I did some Christmas shopping yesterday. I know... don't faint. I am usually the manic shopper on Christmas Eve trying to finish up. But, I actually purchased some gifts BEFORE Thanksgiving this year.

I've been reading the book of Esther - a chapter at a time - the last week. Absorbing it and really sinking my teeth into this woman. It's been good. This morning, I also read this out of 2 Chronicles 20 and I've been meditating on it all day.

2 Chron 20:12 " O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you."

That last part is what gets me. They don't know what to do, but their eyes are on God. I keep asking myself all day. Tina, where are your eyes?

And ask yourself today...where are your eyes?


melanie said…
good stuff- maybe i need to go pic it up...
have a wonderful weekend! i don't think we are going to make it tomorrow.. but it looks awesome.
Heth said…
Ooh, what a power packed question. Good for pondering...

Have a great time at the Anthem. I really wish I could go hear Haleigh.

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