
I have so many things on my mind this week. It's one of those weeks that you can just "feel" the anticipation of things going on. Lots of things really.

1. Our church is hosting our first ever Women's Conference. Now, mind you... we've organized "going" to these things...and last year we had about 40 women go away to a hotel and did a little thing. But, this year.... we have 70 women - which for some churches is nothing - and others is huge. We've been blessed with a fantastic senior Pastor's wife who has a vision for this thing. I have been incredibly blessed to work with her. no joke. she's incredible. I was really overwhelmed yesterday with the different things that we were doing and I am involved in...the late night practices and meetings... and then when I saw the drama that we were doing on Friday night, it blessed me so much... then, this morning, I got the final service orders...and I began to feel the anticipation of what God would say through our speaker, our dramas, our worship, or workshops.... and I started to really pray that He would minister to the broken-hearted, free the ones who are captive to sin, loose the chains that bind the women who are hurting...and encourage the ones who are growing in life and love.

2. Our basement is still a disaster area. We had a little flood in there a couple of weeks ago and it's still too traumatic to talk about. But, of all weeks, the carpet is in this week...and we have to move things around in there to get the carpet laid by tomorrow afternoon. I was really tempted to push it back to next week...but I know that it won't be any easier to get it done next week.

3. My second oldest daughter leaves in little over a week to go on a missions trip to Cuba. My heart has been heavy for her as I pray for her and ask God to protect and provide and supply all that she needs to minister there. They are delivering much needed medical supplies to that area. She's been so busy lately that I know it's going to be difficult for her to pull things together to be ready to go at the last minute. I want to be there to see her off. But, responsibilities, finances... life... prevents me from being able to do that.

4. My oldest daughter is singing this weekend at a concert of praise they call "anthem". I want to go so bad. I would love to be able to join her in 90 minutes of singing and worshipping. But, prior commitments, responsibilities, life just happens.

5. My sister is going through a really tough time right now. She and her husband are separated and there are just a lot of things in her life that I can see culminating right now. Things that have been muddling her life for a long time. Things that really ... only the God of the Universe can take from her. A lot of my prayer time this week has been for her... that God would wrap her up in his arms and gently whisper to her... "I love you Tammy. You are worthy of my love. Nothing you ever do or say or think or believe will change my love for you. You are beautiful. Believe it. Believe me. Don't cry. I'm not surprised by this situation. Give it to me. Follow me. Let me show you my love. Let me love you. Let go."

6. My mom is retired. Today is her first day of retirement. She is anxious about the future, about finances, about boredom. She is concerned about life. I want to go visit her and take her shopping and bake and plant flowers and do all the things she loves to do. But, she lives a few thousand miles away and well...time, commitments, responsibilities, finances, you know the drill... prevent me from doing what my heart is screaming to do.

7. My brother-in-law is struggling with his health. He is a precious man - he will be 44 on the 16th of May. He has Downs Syndrome. And the last few months have been especially hard on him.... he has a lot of problems with his esophagus and developed pneumonia this spring. He already stuggles with swallowing and eating and has lost a lot of weight. We are working with my in-laws to try to help them with his eating and diet...and he is so stubborn! I want him to get better and be able to enjoy his life! I want life to slow down so that we can spend time with him... enjoying him... doing the things he loves to do.

I could take this and add all the other things on my mind.... other family members, friends, loved ones... struggles, fears, excitements... because it really doesn't end there. I have so many people I want to spend time with, get to know, enjoy, celebrate. Life is just too short!

But, God is Good.

Cast all your worries and cares to God...for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7


Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing your stuff. You are an amazing person and I pray God will lift you in the midst of all your stuff and bring blessing to you and all those you love!
Heth said…
I'm tired just reading that.

You are a strong woman for taking all of these things to the Lord in prayer. You are a blessing to so many people Tina. Really, you have no idea. Praying for you that God would stretch your time.
Heth said it perfectly. I second it!
Angela said…
You are amazing...I echo that. I am praying today for God to bring you peace that passes understanding and move in miraculous ways in each situation. Love you.
Amie said…
Make that fourth.

Can I help you somehow??
Anonymous said…
You've got a lot going on, Tina. I wish I could come to that conference, I KNOW it will be awesome. I'm praying for you and your loved ones who are going through tough times right now.
PJ said…
You have a lot on your plate right now. It's tough when families members are you need and you feel helpless to relieve their stress. Sometimes I think that's worse than a personal trauma. Prayers for you. I know you are a blessing to them all. Prayers for all of them, too!
His Girl said…
oh, this is a big ol' list. I just want to fun right over and bring you a cuppa tea and bless you with a little break. hope it settles down there for you soon!

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