Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my dad’s birthday.  He is 65.
We have been through a lot together, my dad and me.
It almost seems like two lifetimes.
My parents were divorced when I was young and there were some real complicated relationship issues between my parents.  I am sure I will never know the depth of the hurt experienced on both sides there.  I am sure I never want to know.
So, there were several years (15 years actually) that I had no contact with my dad, didn’t know him or who he was or what he did or anything.  
I have gone through a lot of emotion with my dad.  I loved him, hated him, resented him, pitied him, mourned him really.
Then, when I was 21 years old, was reunited with him.
We have had a relationship ever since.  That was 16 years ago. This year marks a new era.  I have now officially known my dad longer than I have not known him.
I can now say I really know my dad.  
Is he perfect? No.  Am I? Double no. Well, triple no.
I can now say, after lots of time and emotion, and confusion… that I love my dad sincerely.  I respect him, and I honor him.
Thanks dad for being there for me now.  For making up for the time lost, for being the incredible grandfather that you are.  For the hours of playing barbies, just to spend time with your granddaughters as children, for letting them drive your cool car as teenagers.  Thanks for the billions of trips to Horton just to bring me eggs and flour.  Thanks for mowing, for weeding, for yardwork galore when I am tired.
Thanks for who you are.  For being polite and teaching my kids by example about manners and respect. And for being real.
I know that our lifetime has created much heartache for you.  I know that you wish things had been different, and you too mourn what was lost between us.
Thank you for not looking back to what should have been, but for looking forward to what can be.
Happy 65th birthday dad.  


Amie said…
That was a wonderful post - thank you! How sad, but how very happy for you both! Happy Birthday t's dad. Yay for you both for jumping over small odds!
Heth said…
Happy Birthday Tina's Dad!
Natalie Joy said…
Dad's are the best. I will always treasure my relationshipe with mine. I'm so glad for the both of you that you did not miss out on this treasure. Happy B-day, T's dad!

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