i dot know

So Shawn won't most likely post this so I figure I will do it instead.
Emily is so good on the computer. Her favorite sites are www.whatsherface.com and www.barbie.com and www.divastarz.everythinggirl.com .

She and Shawn were looking for some cool animal sites cuz she's been into animals. And she ran across www.yahooligans.yahoo.com which has an animal link on it. So, she has been learning at the young age of 6 to surf the net.

She came across a fun thing for kids to do and then a place where you can click on to "send it to a friend". You have to fill in the information and email it to a friend. Here's her information:

Name: Emily
Email Address: I dot know what you men
Friend's Name: Shera Steere
Friend's Email: same as me

She just stinkin cracks me up!


Amie said…
That is too funny! She was pretty excited about being an animal rescuer this year for Halloween. Maybe me and Emily could be "all girl" together! :) Does she have her ears pierced yet?? HAHAHAHA! lol
Heth said…
Wow, she types well! She should start a blog of her own.
Tina said…
yeah, she emailed haleigh today. It was super cute. it just takes foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeer.
Angela said…
She is such an adorable child, I swear.

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