afternoon assessments

1. Why is the phone bill so hard to read? I called them twice today for deciphers.
2. Where do all these papers in my inbox come from? I swear I just emptied it now it's full again.
3. Why did I eat so much for lunch? I didn't really like the chef salad that much anyway.
4. Where did the trick or treat candy go? I really should have had that for lunch.
5. Should I work on filing or on posting? I really don't want to do either.
6. Why is it so hot in my offfice? Probably because the heater vent is right under my desk blowing on me.
7. What is going on after work? Besides the crazy kids run around and do stuff stuff that is.
8. Where did this headache come from? probably from thinking about this stuff.
9. What am I going to make for supper? too bad I didn't go to Everyonesachef when I wanted to or I'd know.
10. Isn't that Harms customer nice? I really like nice customers.


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