groundhog musings...

We have a little furry friend that has taken up residence in a huge hole in our backyard. We saw him the other day when he showed up in the middle of the yard, far from the hole he had inhabited. So far, he hasn't bothered us too much. I don't have any plants planted this year as I am determined to grow grass first before tackling any other plantings. (I will save our unsuccessful grass story for another blog entry). So, I'm not worried about his chewing anything...since our yard is mostly weeds.
Anyway, in a conversation with the neighbor the other day, she mentioned that she might have her husband set a trap to get rid of the varmits. Although I know this little guy is probably a pest, and doing destruction somewhere that I don't know about...(like the neighbors garden), I'm not sure I'm ready to get rid of him all together.
I think I might watch the movie "Groundhog Day" this weekend, just to gain an appreciation for my furry friend.


PJ said…
Or you could watch "The Chipmunks" then you'd be ready to set a trap...maybe for your neighbors...maybe for the chipmunks...ummmm groundhog!
Growin' with it said…
oh man would my beagle love to visit your backyard. it would be a dream come true and an alternative to barking at all the squirrels who taunt him along the fence.

i agree though, they are pretty dern cute varmits!
melanie said…
lets stake them out and catch em, we can do it.. by hand, we could lay out in the yard with camo, come on... it'd be fun. and instead of a dog, you could tame down the little guys.
Judy said…
You know we have a little groundhog. His name is Ethan. He was born on Feb. 2....groundhogs day! He didn't see his shadow when he was born....PTL!

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