no way
I was reading a few things on fashion trends... and ran across this.
I am not even sure why women wear pantyhose.... now they have mantyhose!
The advertisers say "these male underwear are the most comfortable you will ever wear next to your skin"... and "these are not your mother's pantyhose!".
I'm not buying it. No way.
Growing up in the 80's, we loved our hose. They started to fade away in the 90's... and every now and then, when I attempt to wear them in 2008, my girls guffaw at why in the world would I wear them? (It has something to do with gravity).
I personally think it is a wicked evil marketing ploy to get men to want to buy the one thing they have never been able to get away with wearing unless they are Robin Hood.
I hate pantyhose...but I do love tights! Go figure.
But a fashion trend....ugh.
Plus it would get snagged in the laundry, and at 15 bucks a pair - I wonder if they protect you from mosquito bites, though? I could check ebay. I will buy 2 and send one your way. :)