God is NOT Slow...as some understand slowness...

Luke 1:20 "But now, since you didn't believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born.  For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time."

Zechariah doubted God.  This man was a Priest who had spent his entire life studying the Scriptures.  He was surely a very devout and godly man.  He had to have known all of the miracles God had done in the past for the people of God.  He had to have extensive knowledge on Abraham and Sara... and the child given to them at such an old age.

And yet, he didn't believe God. 

But, this verse says "my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time".

I can so. relate.

I wonder often how many times I have known that I have heard from God on a particular subject, and then when it doesn't happen quite that way, I doubt.

How many times have I read the Word to learn about how God may deal with circumstances of the righteous only to see it go a different way.  I find myself doubting God's Word.

And yet, it is the last part of this verse that I find hope.

"My words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time"

I know there are dreams and visions and truths in the Word that I have at one time or another KNOWN to be true... and when time has passed, I have allowed doubt to creep into my life and begin to question so much about who I am in God...and about who God is.

But, I find comfort and peace knowing that God's words will certainly be fulfilled.... at the proper time.

And not a minute sooner.



His Girl said…
oh, this is especially perfect for me to read today. thanks.

and is this the picture you think makes you look toothless? or did you replace it?

you don't look toothless to me.
Anonymous said…
impatient little fellers aren't we and stubborn to boot! and to top it all off we have listening problems!!! wow we are obstinent little creatures, yet He shows MERCY AND GRACE???? as Pastor Marvin says best "WOW".

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