early AM

It was one of those mornings that I couldn’t sleep.  Got up at 4:30am, took a shower, made coffee, surfed the net a bit, made a egg casserole for breakfast for my family, cleaned off my desk, picked up the living room and kitchen… and it is still only 6am.  Amazing the things you can get done early in the AM.

I love the solitude of an early morning.  Being a task-oriented personality, I am never one to complain about not being able to sleep in.  The quiet and solemn morning hours are my best time to think and pray and ponder about life and God, and not to mention get lots done!

I’ve been reading through the Proverbs this month.  It’s kind of an easy way to meditate on the Word of God, and elementary to not forget where you are at, since there are 31 chapters in Proverbs and 31 days in January.

This morning’s scripture is a warning against adultery.  Not that I have an issue with adultery.  But, one phrase of this passage stuck out to me.  It is Prov. 5:21 that says “For a man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths.”

I thought about that verse this morning, and meditated on it.  I wondered how many things I try to hide from the Lord?  It’s so funny how we are as humans.  Trying to hide things from God is as ridiculous as trying to smuggle our own thoughts past ourselves.

Lord, show me the evil that I do.  Show me the paths I attempt to take that will ensnare me.  Reveal to me the cords of sin that hold me fast.  Show me how to avoid being led astray by my own sin.


Heth said…
Those early morning sound like such a special time with the Lord. Now make sure you go to bed early!
Angela said…
I always like your spiritual reflections. Sometimes I wish I could do the early morning thing, but I do night devotions much better.
Tina said…
yeah that's how Shawn is too. There is no way he'd do a morning thing... :)
Amie said…
I'm SO not a morning person. I go to sleep a few hours before Harry wakes up for the day. :) Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

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