my messy house

Have you ever had "one of those days"?

When you come home and you just can't even BELIEVE you LIVE like this?

I did.

Today. Actually.

I thought I'd share a few visuals...

Can I get a witness?????

And then she thinks for a moment... "why did I just post the most disgusting moment of my day on a public blog on the internet????".....


Di Gallagher said…
To make everyone else feel good about themselves and to find out you are not alone, that's why! Hi from one messy kindred spirit to another.
Heth said…
Oh T.

I have been working on some extra curricular projects for a couple days and have been ignoring my housely duties. I will NOT be posting pictures of our mess, just know that you are not alone.

Besides, I've seen your house sparkle, I know that your mess was just "one of those days". Here's hoping that today you woke up to a house that was cleaned by magical cleaning fairies. *a girl can dream can't she?*
Anonymous said…
Yet another transparent blogger. I wish my house looked that cute and colorful when it was messy!
I think I'll go clean and see what color is under it all....When the fairies get done, send them over.
Angela said…
I'm with you - I know I live alone, but it's amazing the mess one woman can create.

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