valentine plunder

Okay, so I definitely have been busy lately.
Tonight, February 21, I officially finally sorted thru the Valentine candy from Em’s school party. It was a week ago.  

Normally, that would be the first thing we do when she comes home… you know, to kind of “snatch” the stuff she doesn’t like.  Okay okay.. I admit, even the ones she does like.

My plunder: bite size snickers, half a bag of m&ms, fun size 3 musketeers, and a laffy taffy.

What WILL I do when all the kids are out of school?????


Heth said…
When your kids are out of school you'll buy bags of M&M's and put them in a bowl and eat a handful everytime you walk by. That's what I do, I mean WILL do.
iridium said…
I plan to go trick or treating myself.
Amie said…
Didn't you know that every day is Valentine's Day??? Happy Valentin's Day!! You can just come to my house - I ALWAYS have candy! I use the "they're for the guests" excuse....except I don't really have guests....hmmmmm....who else could they be for?

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