2007 in food

2007 is the year ...
1. I perfected the Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls (can someone say butter and sugar?)
2. I added three (yes 3) tortilla soup recipes to my book!
3. Working more than ever, I added a whole new meaning to the words "Make Ahead"
4. Two Words: European Chocolate
5. Greek casserole disaster
6. first time ratatouille - :( blech.
7. introduced to Menu Plan Monday - started - then quit.
8. yummy yummy home grown popcorn. we may never go back to microwave
9. e-mealz.com saved my starving family
10. soup soup and more soup
11. can I just say one more time that I perfected the delicious Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls?
12. My Dad taught Haleigh the tricks of perfect french bread every. single. time.

edited later: oh! I forgot! How could I forget??? I found more copy cat recipes and made Olive Garden Zuppe Toscana Soup, Olive Garden salad dressing, Carrabbas Bruschette,and Carlos O'Kelly's Chicken Picado, and Olive Garden Breadsticks (which are so simple you'd be shocked).


Ann said…
You mastered the Olive Garden breadsticks! You must share the secret with us!

I think I remember you blogging about the Greek casserole heehee!
Anonymous said…
Cinnobon rolls! Yeah! I made the muffins and didn't think I did that great!!! (I WAS using the box mix!)
Heth said…
That's it. I'm moving in.
Judy said…
OK....Can we set up a time for a recipe swap? Chicken picado...need that one...OG breadsticks...that one too....how about OG minestrone? Do you have that one? My cooking needs a makeover....HELP!

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