list maker

There are two kinds of people in the world. List makers and non-list makers. Which are you? I am definately a list maker. I love lists. I love pens. I love paper. Sometimes I even make lists of lists! You know... a list of lists I need to make sure I make... grocery list, to-do list, packing list, work list, calendar list, honey-do list. I can't even make a list really without a list. That's just how I am.

I was sitting at my desk and after a week away, I realized my "inbox" is a little overflowing. So, I added to my list "empty inbox". I just can't do it without it being on my list.

So, when I got to that item on my list, I took all of the contents of my inbox and put it in one pile. Then, I took every piece of paper out of it and put them into "sub-piles".... invoices here, timecards there, receipts here, letters there, list items here (these are things I need to make a list of and do later). THEN, I RE-PILED them into one pile, with the most important and urgent ones on top so I could work my way down the pile and get it all done.

I don't know WHY I have to do this. But, I think it's a way of making a "paper list".


melanie said…
do you list daily simple stuff like eat, sleep? i have heard that lists are good because once it's wrote down you can take it off your mind- and then remove the nagging feeling.
um, not a list maker here. can't even make a grocery list. i just wonder around the store until i have mentally made everything for the week.
Ann said…
when i was teaching i made lots of lists. sticky notes everywhere. on my desk, on the computer, by the classroom door. it feels good to cross stuff off the list. i remember making a list of stuff i had done AFTER i did it, then crossed it off, so my husband would see that i did stuff and not just play computer all day long.
We may have been separated at birth.
His Girl said… me some lists.

prayer....lists. all I need for peace!

in fact,sometimes,when I am really stressed, I pray IN a list. now THAT is peace!

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