accouterment for the april affair

We are back!

We did some shopping, we did some talking...

Two days... one night... 7.25 hours of shopping... 72 attempts at trying on the right dress... one perfect amazing dress... too expensive... one almost perfect still amazing and more affordable dress.

Great conversation... life discussions... 6 women... 6 mentors.

and Prom, here she comes!


Anonymous said…
hey i can't wait until she walks down the RED CARPET!!! i bet she is soooooo beautiful. i bet every dress she tried on was beautiful. i also bet she looks like a superstar in her new dress!! can't wait until i see her!!!!!
Heth said…
Fun! And did you eat great food? Shopping and eating go hand in hand.....
Angela said…
I can't wait to see it! I am sure she will be stunning.
Natalie Joy said…
Linds, you're gorgeous in t-shirt and jeans can't wait to see you all dressed up!

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