going away

17 years and two weeks ago, I held in my arms a beautiful baby girl. Just over 7 lbs. It was March 3, 1989. We lived a few miles away in a nearby city, and had driven to Shawn's parents house when I thought I was in labor due to an impending snow storm. It snowed all right! Piles and Piles of Snow. We snuck away sometime early in the morning, to go to the hospital. That was when we met her.

She was beautiful.... I remember being completely amazed that I could have a second daughter that looked so different from my first. I remember how quiet she was. How content. Her personality began to show itself to us from the first moment. Long fingers, beautiful skin, perfect in every way. Sweet little Lindsey.

Over the years she has been known by many names-- "Linjitzu" --- "Jitz" ---"Lindso". Always a good sport to accept whatever nickname we chose for the moment. Whatever was easiest or most fun to say at the time.

Tonight, she and I are leaving for a trip to an "unknown" destination, never to be mentioned again. "What happens in _________ stays in _________".

I did this with my oldest daughter as well, and will do it with each and every one. On their seventeenth birthday, we go on a trip. Nobody knows where, and nobody knows why.

But, when we return, we will begin a 6 month training adventure for her! She will have chosen 6 women, women she looks up to, women she admires and desires to learn from. She'll approach those women and ask them to invest some time into her life... to meet with her, and impart to her all they know about a specific topic. A woman and her God, a woman and her spouse, a woman and her friendships, a woman and her family, a woman and her work, a woman and her ministry. She will commit to them, to learn from them, by shadowing them, praying for them, hanging around them, doing studies with them, whatever they choose...

At the end of that time, she will have long-lasting friendships and mentor relationships that she can turn to for any advice in her lifetime that she needs... for those times she doesn't feel comfortable coming to mom....

I cherish this time in my girls lives. I so appreciate the relationships they will share with Godly women. And they too, will cherish these relationships.

And tonight, we're gonna have fun!


angie said…
how special! fill me in, was this your ingenious idea or is there a mom book out there i should know about?
Heth said…
Have a great time you two. I love that you do this with your girls.
Amie said…
Brilliant. Completely brilliant.
Tina said…
Angie, I'd LOVE to claim the whole idea. But, in truth it is a result of a book. The book is called "Spritual Milestones" by Jim and Janet Weidmann and J. Otis & Gail Ledbetter. It is a GREAT resource that gives parents practical tools to celebrate the important spiritual events in their kids lives. It's HIGHLY recommended by ME!
Natalie Joy said…
OHHHH, Linds, I am so excited for you. What an amazing opportunity to learn from awesome women (who are NOT your mother). I wish I had done this as a young woman. God bless your time and HAVE FUN!
melanie said…
i hope that i am as mom as you!! it's awesome!
T said…
Oh my goodness, I LOVE this idea. I am going to look for that book or maybe order it online. I have always felt my daughter needed mentors. I understand that it is a very personal experience however I would love if you would write more about this.
Angela said…
Happy birthday to Lindsey! I do absolutely love this idea. You are an awesome Mom, T. Truly wonderful.
Kelly said…
that brought tears to my eyes!
What a wonderful idea!!

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