what the news doesn't report

“Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28, NLT).

Watching the tv and listening to various news channels the last few days, I have been praying for the people in the south, who have had their lives torn apart by the hurricane.

Complaints continue to rise about the lack of help. We have heard of Salvation Army, FEMA, and various organizations assisting... here's a few more we haven't heard in the news. Christians rising to meet the needs and be the hands and feet of Christ. Click on the link to see how you can help with a contribution.

Operation Blessing Hurricane Katrina Relief Activities
As of September 2nd, the Hunger Strike Force has delivered a total of 23 truckloads of food, drinks and relief supplies totaling 920,969 pounds.Operation Blessing gave a cash grant to People That Care in Dallas to support a feeding program for evacuees located in the Reunion Center.700+ families have recived food/gas vouchers and/or clothing from Operation Blessing partner Somebody Cares Houston.490 people have been fed hot meals and/or given food and clothing at the Hosanna Church in Houston.5,000 disposable blankets and pillow cases have been ordered to be used with cots already at Somebody Cares Houston - will arrive Saturday morning.

The Southern Baptists Disaster Relief Update
Hurricane Katrina Response: “People are weeping, they want to help desperately. And we have a tremendous opportunity. We all don’t have to go to the affected area—we all can’t go to the coast. Many of the unfortunate people are being relocated throughout the country. We don’t have to go to them, they are coming to us. Everyone can give and everyone can collect. The diapers, the formula, the canned goods, the clothes, the bottled water—all of it can be collected and sent to the evacuation centers.” -- Gerald Peters, Southern Baptist disaster relief volunteer from Oklahoma

Christian Reformed World Relief Committee to raise $5M for Catastrophic Katrina. As the chaos caused by Hurricane Katrina continues to be tallied, CRWRC mounts an ambitious campaign to raise $5 million for her victims. Donations will help deploy rapid response teams to get needs quickly assessed, clean up debris, purchase building materials and repair homes, and provide funding for long-term reconstruction in those areas hardest hit.

World Vision
World Vision has already begun responding – sending shipments of emergency supplies, donated by generous corporations and distributed in partnership with local churches and Christian agencies to children and families in need. Because the supplies have been donated, your gift will multiply in value to ship and distribute urgently needed items to those who need them the most.

Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Crusade for Christ already has resources to help provide immediate assistance to victims in affected areas. Right now we are mobilizing thousands of college students and other volunteers from all over the United States to provide urgently needed manpower to the relief efforts in areas hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. These teams will be sharing the love of Christ as they stay in affected areas and work with local churches and other organizations to offer assistance wherever they are most needed - distributing humanitarian aid, helping with cleanup efforts, or building temporary shelters.

New Directions International
Grounded firmly in the Word of God, New Directions International is a global missions and relief organization that actively connects individuals and churches with the work of missions by linking strategic international leaders with the means to advance the Kingdom in developing countries. They have begun a fundraising campaign now to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina in the United States.


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